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The CAF Clients Who Changed My Career Path

Posted on: August 13th, 2024 by Chris Scott

In 2008, I had the opportunity to work with Anny and Martin, a couple who were part of a BGRS move. What started as a regular real estate transaction turned into something much more meaningful. Their positive attitude, trust, and openness made the experience memorable, and it ultimately shaped my career.

After helping them purchase their home, I realized how rewarding it was to work with military families. It wasn’t just about the transaction; it was about understanding their unique needs, especially during relocation. This experience led me to specialize in military real estate, and I’ve never looked back.

Sixteen years and four transactions later, Anny and Martin contacted me to list their home in Kingston. This wasn’t just another listing; it was a reminder of the ongoing relationship we had built and how much of my business I owe to them and others in the CAF community.

Working with military families is about more than just buying and selling homes—it’s about being there for them during significant transitions. Anny and Martin are a big reason I chose this path, and they continue to inspire me to do my best for every client.



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