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DND Move to Nortel Campus Delayed

Posted on: April 3rd, 2015 by Chris Scott

DND employees were supposed to start moving in to buildings at 3500 Carling Avenue site by the end of this year but that will be delayed for at least nine months as the federal government spends $30 million to fix the structural problems.  Existing leases for DND offices around the Ottawa area will have to be extended until the new move-in dates.

The giant walls are made up of panels of glass windows. The seals on many of the windows have failed and the frames that support the glass are weak. All the windows will now have to be replaced. Because of the reconstruction of the outside glass walls, the move of the first DND employees to the campus will now take place in the fall of 2016.

DND will eventually transfer 8,500 military and civilian employees to the Carling Avenue location. Despite the initial delay, the move is still expected to be finished by 2020.

Government officials still insist the move of DND employees will save taxpayers $750 million over the next 25 years. The DND and Public Works have not released any information, however, to back up that claim.

Internal DND documents provide some of the reasons for the move to Nortel: reduced cab fares, less need for commissionaires to guard offices and an atmosphere that allows people to work better together.

If you have been transferred to Ottawa, feel free to get in touch.  I specialize in military relocations and would be happy to be of service and can provide you with references from successful Ottawa House hunting trips over the past years.


Ottawa Posting Tips

Posted on: March 20th, 2015 by Chris Scott

If you have been posted to Ottawa this year and are relocating to the city I have a few tips for you.

As you may know, DND headquarters is moving from its current building in downtown Ottawa to Nepean (Ottawa west) to take over the Nortel campus. This is a major project and will be happening over the next 3 years. This is definitely something to keep in mind if you have been posted to Ottawa. Some very popular neighbourhoods for my military clients are now Kanata and Stittsville. In previous years it was always Orleans. These neighbourhoods offer great schools, lots of amenities, and the homes tend to be newer.  The house prices also tend to be reasonable compared with other marketplaces. Resale is also usually quick as this is an important consideration as you never know when your next posting message comes in.

It is important to note that there are buildings downtown, in Gatineau, Leitrim and on Startop rd in Ottawa east that will still be fully operational for years to come. It is important to know where you will be working. Stittsville is a great commute to the new DND but is across the city to Startop rd. and even further to Letrim.

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you are planning to relocate to Ottawa. I specialize in HHT’s and would be happy to be of service.  I am always reachable on my cell at 613-863-6999.


Ottawa Market Update, February 2015

Posted on: March 16th, 2015 by Chris Scott

Buyers are just starting to come out of hibernation. It was a harsh winter and this extra cold weather did have an effect on resale numbers in Ottawa. Ottawa Realtors sold 868 properties  residential properties in Ottawa for February. Our 5 year average is 914. Condo sales were down 10% from the same period last year. Not bad numbers considering. 


The average sale price of residential properties including condos was $358,206. The hottest segment of the Ottawa re-sale market is between $300,000-$400,000 followed by $200,000 – $300,000. 


As I look through our monthly sales numbers one thing has caught my eye. The average days on market is way up as compared with last year. When I examine days on market(DOM) it looks like a reasonable 59 days as compared with 57 from last year at first glance. However, when you look at the combined days on market, the number is much higher. Some homes get re-listed a few times and this time on market is included with the CDOM. The number increases to a very high 106 days. Last year it was 58.  With inventory levels up and buyers a little shy to pull the trigger; houses will take longer to sell this year. All of this is very neighbourhood dependant. Sellers will need to be extra patient this year. 


The good news is that sales appear to be at steady levels and prices are holding. So far it is shaping up to be a stable 2015 housing market here in Ottawa. If you have any questions about your home feel free to get in touch! 

Screenshot Feb 2015 Stats


Ottawa Housing Market – January 2015

Posted on: February 7th, 2015 by Chris Scott

The Ottawa housing market in January was reasonably brisk compared with sales numbers from one year ago.

Realtors in Ottawa sold 627 residential properties in January through the Multiple Listing Service® system, compared with 587 in January, 2014 – an increase of 6.8%.  The 5-year average for January sales is 633. Essentially we are right on track for another year of steady sales.

The change in Ottawa’s housing market comes in the form of inventory. There are lots of choices for Ottawa home Buyers! The number of residential and condo properties listed in January (2,018) more than doubled the amount of newly listed properties from December. Many sellers this year are trying to get ahead of what might be a crowded spring listing season. Buyers will continue to have some good inventory to choose from.

The average sale price of residential properties, including condominiums, sold in January in the Ottawa area was $348,617, an increase of 0.5% over January 2014.  The average condo property was $250,406, down 5.7% over January 2014.  The average residential class property was $370,442, an increase of 0.5% over January 2014. Condos continue lag behind price gains on the residential side.  This could be a challenging year again for condominium sellers.

The high amount of inventory and the record low interest rates will provide even more opportunity for Ottawa homebuyers. Our real estate market here in Ottawa remains stable, and the year ahead looks promising.

Every neighbourhood is different.  If you are interested in knowing the value of your property – or maybe even the property down the street – give me a call.  I’m always happy to help when it comes to real estate.


Ottawa House Hunting: Tips for Success

Posted on: January 19th, 2015 by Chris Scott

Ensuring your House Hunting Trip (HHT) is successful is my top priority. A standard HHT is 5 days and 5 nights for which you and or your spouse  travel to the new location to find your new house. Having planned many Military HHTs within Ottawa, I have created a checklist to help prepare you for your Ottawa house hunting.  Here are a few top tips:

 Pick Your Dates!

Plan your trip at least 40-60 days before your report date. This will give the sellers enough time to move out and help accommodate your door to door move.  The more time in advance the better.

Research, Research, Research

Familiarize yourself with your new location before your trip. Google Maps can be a great resource to search out the downtown core, schools, amenities and public transit. Ottawa has a variety of neighbourhoods in different price points. Your agent should help you understand what areas might be the right fit for you based on your unique circumstances. Communication with your agent before you arrive is key. We build a listing website of all available inventory that matches our clients needs and work from there. This site gives our military clients the ability to track listings, set-up favorites/possibility lists, and get a sense of the market activity.

Brainstorm & Communicate With Your Agent

Knowing exactly what you want in a new home is often difficult but expressing your needs to your agent can help them select the right properties for your HTT. Consider your lifestyle choices along with your “must haves” and communicate them to your agent. The clearer picture your agent has of your situation the more accurate your property matches will be.

Another great resource if you plan on taking public transportation is

Of course these are just a few tips. If you would like to book a house hunting trip in Ottawa, please click on the link below.

Plan and book your house hunting trip with me today.

HHT – Door to Door Moves

Posted on: January 9th, 2015 by Chris Scott

As a member of the Canadian Forces you are responsible for arranging a door to door move when you are relocating. By doing so, you are ensuring a smooth transition between households which allows you have a stress free relocation, be back to work sooner and incur fewer expenses during the moving process. This style of relocating is beneficial for you even though it requires a bit more planning. In order to coordinate the dates effectively, you must establish your “target” moving dates in advance. These dates create a timeline for you to plan your move. With your target dates in mind, you can then begin to plan your moving timeline which can include:

  • Obtaining approval from your Chain of Command
  • Planning a HHT
  • Selecting your Property
  • Negotiating the possession/occupancy dates to be close to the date you are to report to your new posting
  • Coordinating your travel days with the packing of your home and travel to the new location
  • Having your household goods delivered directly to your new home to eliminate the need for storing them
  • Avoiding peak moving periods such as long weekends.

While relocating can appear overwhelming at times, creating a timeline in advance will help plan a moving experience that will be easier on you and your entire family. If you are being posted in or out of the Ottawa area, I can help arrange a perfectly executed door to door move with your timeline in mind.



Ottawa Market Update 2014/2015

Posted on: January 8th, 2015 by Chris Scott

As a whole it was a stable year for Ottawa Real Estate in 2014. Sales were fairly flat and prices were up about 1.2%. The average selling price for all housing types was $361,712, an increase of 1.2 per cent over 2013.

The most significant change we have seen in the market is the build up of unsold listing inventory. This has shifted the market to what we can now consider a buyer’s market in Ottawa. This excess supply (plus new construction inventory from builders) resulted in lower price increases and more time on market for sellers. For buyers there are some good opportunities available in this market.

Total Sales of existing homes through the Ottawa Real Estate Board’s Multiple Listing Service numbered 13,928 for the year, an increase of 0.4 per cent from the 2013 total of 13,871. There is more supply but the demand has stayed steady.

Condo sales dropped 7.2 per cent to 2,661 for the year. This is a troubling trend. Sales are way down but inventory is actually up. There is simply too much supply right now in Ottawa’s downtown condo market. It is simple economics. Demand is low and supply is increasing. This trend really began in the 2nd half of 2014. This could put downward pressure on condo prices for 2015.

Average price increases in Ottawa:
2011: + 5.2%
2012: + 2.3%
2013: + 1.6%
2014: + 1.2%
2015: + 1.0%- my prediction


Market Predictions – 2015

Posted on: January 8th, 2015 by Chris Scott

Every year I go through statistical reports from CMHC, top brokerages, economists, and our local real estate board. My objective in this research is to try and get a feel for where the market is heading in the upcoming year. I also poll other Realtors in my office to try and get a gauge on the pulse of the market. 2015 has been the most challenging to predict.

I think we are facing a new reality for Ottawa’s real estate market. I am not Nostradamus but I feel I can almost predict what the next few years will bring. Houses will take longer to sell and prices will be very flat with little or no change. CMHC predicts increases in line with inflation. This is good news. Other economists are predicting a decrease in price in the upcoming year. For many the prospect of this is frightening. Many of us have a significant portion of our net worth tied to the value of our home.

With 3 properties in Ottawa I can relate. However, I am not worried. We just purchased an investment property late this year. I understand the next few years could be challenging but it is the long-term 10-20 year big picture I am most interested in. Ottawa has historically had a resilient real estate market. We still have good economic fundamentals and the long term projected growth of the city will eventually tilt the favor back to sellers.

These more challenging market conditions make it imperative for both buyers and sellers to be aligned with an experienced and qualified real estate professional.

Ottawa Market Update – November 2014

Posted on: December 3rd, 2014 by Chris Scott

‘Tis the Holiday Season!  It sure came around quickly!  Let’s hope the winter passes by just as quickly!!

Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board sold 893 residential properties in November through the Board’s Multiple Listing Service® system, compared with 888 in November 2013, an increase of 0.6 per cent. The five-year average for November sales is 935.  Inventory levels are starting to dip slightly which is normal for this time of year.  Average sale prices are keeping steady with last year – all in all, a fairly typical year (so far) for the Ottawa Real Estate Market – steady, and fluctuating between a balanced and a buyer’s market.

November’s sales included 170 in the condominium property class, and 723 in the residential property class.   The rental market continues to be hot in Ottawa with 175 properties rented in November.  Sales are taking longer so sellers have to be patient with the market.  New condo developments are likely the cause of resale condos being slightly behind last year’s volume.  Although the market slows a bit in December, Buyers often start their search over the holiday period, statistically the highest property search period of the year.

The average sale price of residential properties, including condominiums, sold in November in the Ottawa area was $356,900, an increase of 0.4 per cent over November 2013. The average sale price for a condominium-class property was $250,425, a decrease of three per cent over November 2013. The average sale price of a residential-class property was $381,936, an increase of 0.7 per cent over November 2013.

Since every area can have slight differences, if you are interested in knowing what your property is worth on today’s market – or even the house down the street, give me a call.  I’ll be happy to help.


Ottawa Market heads into Buyer’s Territory

Posted on: November 6th, 2014 by Chris Scott

Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board sold 1,121 residential properties in October through the Board’s Multiple Listing Service® system, compared with 1,089 in October 2013, an increase of 2.9 per cent. The five-year average for October sales is 1,076.  The local residential listing inventory is up 12.5% from 2013, with 7,550 active listings at the end of October this year.  This has moved us into a “Buyers’ Market”.

Since each area – and even each neighbourhood – can be different, if you are curious to know what your home (or that of your neighbour) is worth on today’s market, give me a call.  I’m always happy to help when it comes to real estate!
