From the blog...


Posted on: May 8th, 2020 by Chris Scott

These past 8 weeks have been challenging for everyone. Trying to home school, run a business, and keep everyone happy has been a challenge! My two boys have been pretty good but they are over it. My little guy Austin calls this a fire drill. He keeps asking “Daddy when is the fire drill going to be over”.  Hopefully soon! In the meantime we are adapting to our new world as best we can. Our team is embracing the virtual experience and is offering the best in class services for sure.

Here is a link to what we are doing in this regard:


Home prices in Ottawa immune to Covid-19

In April sales were down over 56% from last year. Quite a drop considering how active our market was coming into early March. Amazing how quickly COVID-19 has turned everything upside down.  We were selling homes in multiples about 60% of the time early in the year. Now that number fluctuates between 20-40%. I am noticing in the past few weeks it is creeping back up. Inventory is super tight still. Buyers are starting to get back to looking at homes and without new homes coming to market we might face an inventory crunch. I am optimistic that many new listings will be coming to the market in the upcoming few weeks. There are plenty of sellers that have been waiting to list. As things open up again I think their comfort level on listing their home will ease.

For comparison sake, Toronto sales are down over 67 percent with flat price increases. This resilience in Ottawa is due to the fact in families incomes are fairly secure and some buyers welcomed less competition and were willing to purchase virtually or with more caution. We were selling in multiple offers situations early in the year in say 60% of the time. Now we are in the 20-40% range.


This year there are going to be more and more buyers that will be purchasing homes without actually seeing it in person. We had a client this week make a 700k purchase through facetime! It seems risky but almost every new home sale is sold by looking at a floorplan. At least with the virtual experience, you can see the finished product. Albeit through video. Not everyone is going to be on board with buying without physically seeing it but it will be more important for sellers to offer the right tools for buyers so they can make an informed decision.

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